About Us

Brother M. Arockiaraj, once immersed in the fast-paced world of business, experienced a profound transformation when he received a divine call, inspired by 2 Timothy 1:11: “And of this gospel I was appointed a herald, an apostle, and a teacher.” This divine calling illuminated his path, guiding him to dispel the darkness that engulfs the hearts of many.

In 2005, he answered the call to dedicate his life fully to evangelism, blessed by God with the gifts of prophecy and healing. Since then, his journey has been one of unwavering faith, traveling across the globe to bring healing, hope, and restoration to countless souls seeking solace in the light of the Lord.

In 1993, Arockiaraj united in marriage with Hema Arockiaraj, a Chennai native who had completed her Bachelor of Pharmacy. However, her path took a divine turn in 1998 when she received a sacred calling through the Word of God, anchored in Ezekiel 3:5. Anointed with apostolic grace, she was called to serve as a full-time servant of God, embarking on a mission to break the chains that bound the hearts of many.

With unwavering faith, Hema ventured into the spiritually and socially intertwined villages, where darkness prevailed. Carrying the light of the gospel, she transformed these communities, bringing hope and salvation through the Word of God.

24/7 prayer

+91 94437 40802

We get the gospel to places where no one has heard the name of
Jesus Christ.